PointResize( zoom_wide, zoom_high ).Crop( 0, zm_top+zoompos_y, 8, -zm_bot+zoompos_y ) # format is "zoomsize_wide/4" when not "0"

# video comparisons - uncomment the one to show #vidDVDfix = vidDVD_DHAfix.Tweak( hue=4, sat=1.05, bright=-7, cont=1.05, coring=false ) # restore lost picture-look from DeHalo_alpha processing VidDVD_DHAfix = DeHalo_alpha( vidDVD, darkstr=0.8, brightstr=1.8 ) # DeHalo_alpha MT2 - remove ringing artifacts \ ImageSource( frameLD01, start=0, end=0, fps=0.5 ) \ ImageSource( frameDVD01, start=0, end=0, fps=0.5 ) # Disney's Peter Pan restoration/correction